I’m sure you’ve heard, over and over, that addiction is selfish. Well I’ve got news for you: so is recovery. In fact, recovery is the most selfish thing you can be involved in other than an addiction.
But there’s a big difference. You’re not lacking consideration for others in recovery like you were in addiction. And since one of the goals in recovery is to improve yourself, you will simultaneously improve your relationships with others.
Saying No for the Sake of Your Sobriety
During recovery, your main charge is to get healthy and stay on track. And that will mean getting comfortable with the word “no”. Putting your sobriety first will require you to say no a lot.
The word “no” is a survival tool that will allow you to navigate the minefield of recovery. You’ll need to say no often. No to events. No to people. No to anything and everything that could jeopardize your recovery journey. And keep saying no. Say no even when you don’t want to. Say no when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.
If you’re even slightly uneasy in a situation or with a person, leave. You know better than anyone that old habits can die-hard. Staying at a party longer because your buddies are begging you to is not worth triggering a relapse and risking your recovery. Be selfish and say goodbye.
Seek Supportive Relationships
You don’t owe anything to anyone who doesn’t have your best interests in mind. And right now, your best interest is to continue in a healthy recovery. This might mean you have to stop hanging out with old friends for a while, or maybe for good. Not all of them, just the ones who don’t understand what you’re trying to do. Surround yourself with like-minded and supportive people who are sympathetic to your recovery journey. These will be the relationships that you can depend on for the long haul.
Recovery is centered on self-improvement and your main charge in recovery is to live a healthy and fulfilling life outside of addiction. Remember that by sustaining your hard-won sobriety you’ll build and rebuild relationships with others. Because the end result of your selfishness in recovery will benefit not only you, but also those you hurt while being selfish in addiction.
Recovery Should Be Selfish
Recovery should be selfish. So stay selfish! You’re doing it for yourself and everyone you love. Remember who you were in addiction, and realize who you are becoming in recovery.
About the Author
Shelby Hendrix is a blogger from the Northern Midwest with close personal ties to the addiction world. She focuses on the addiction landscape to reach out to those fighting alcoholism and compel them to seek an informed, healthy recovery.