Soberlink's monthly advanced report
General Overview
What is Soberlink?

Soberlink's comprehensive system offers an innovative solution for alcohol monitoring, combining technology and convenience to support individuals in their journey toward accountability and trust rebuilding.

  • Discreet and Portable Breathalyzer: Soberlink's cutting-edge breathalyzer is designed for convenience and discretion, enabling users to prove their sobriety anytime, anywhere.
  • Instant Notification System: BAC readings are immediately transmitted to designated parties through text or email, facilitating open communication and restoring trust.
  • Intuitive Software: User-friendly software ensures a seamless experience for users and monitors, streamlining the process of alcohol level management.
  • Facial Recognition Technology: With advanced facial recognition, Soberlink automatically verifies the identity of the person being tested, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
  • Tamper Detection Sensors: Equipped with sophisticated sensors, the system effectively detects any tampering attempts, maintaining the integrity of the testing process.
Does Soberlink detect substances other than alcohol?

No. Currently, Soberlink only detects the presence of alcohol.

What are Soberlink's advantages for Family Law?

Soberlink is the #1 Alcohol Monitoring Solution for Family Law. Some of the Soberlink advantages are listed below.

  • Court Admissible: Soberlink results are court admissible and used in all 50 states and Canada since 2011.
  • FDA Cleared Medical Device Made in the US: Ensures professional accuracy and device reliability.
  • Program Options: Two family law program options designed for complete abstinence (Level 2 – Daily Testing) or for only on visitation days (Level 1 – Parenting Time Only)
  • Advanced Reporting: Easy to read and intuitive reporting to submit to Family Law courts.
  • Automated Facial Recognition: Soberlink is the only system used in Family Law that has real-time facial recognition. Parents can choose to know in real-time if the Monitored Client has someone else submit tests for them.
  • Tamper Detection: Soberlink has several technologies to flag when someone is trying to tamper with the Device. This ensures the integrity of the test results and provides peace of mind.
  • Device Options: Soberlink is on its 6th generation of Device options, offering both the all-in-one Cellular 2 Device or the Connect Device that uses Bluetooth and is compatible with iPhone and Android phones/tablets.
  • Soberlink In-House Services:
  • In-house Compliance Department to help evaluate events
  • In-house Family Law Customer Support Team
  • Family Law Agreements to ensure both parents understand and agree to the terms before testing begins
  • Authenticated Records: Notarized business records affidavits
  • Testimony Upon Request: Remote or in-person testimony
What are Soberlink’s advantages for Addiction Recovery?

Since 2011, Soberlink has been the most trusted Alcohol Monitoring Solution for Addiction Treatment Providers to refer to clients with an Alcohol Use Disorder. Some of the reasons why Soberlink is the most trusted for Addiction Treatment are listed below.

  • FDA Cleared Medical Device made in the US: Ensures professional accuracy and device reliability.
  • Trusted by the Addiction Treatment community: Thousands of Treatment Providers have used Soberlink to aid their clients in early recovery. Soberlink works closely with the Addiction Treatment community to ensure best practices.
  • Advanced Reporting: Easy to read and intuitive reporting documenting test history.
  • Automated Facial Recognition: Soberlink is the only system used in Addiction Treatment that has built-in facial recognition. This feature not only saves time and increases convenience but also protects the privacy of the client.
  • Tamper Detection: Soberlink has several technologies to flag when someone is trying to tamper with the Device. This feature ensures the integrity of the test results.
  • Device Options: Soberlink is on its 6th generation of Device options, offering both the all-in-one Cellular 2 Device or the Connect Device that uses Bluetooth and is compatible with iPhone or Android.
  • Peer Reviewed: Soberlink has been published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine written by Addiction experts on best practices and has several other studies underway.
  • Program options: Soberlink can be used with a trained Certified Provider, or clients can sign up directly with our client-direct program called Share.
  • Soberlink In-House Services:
  • Ongoing training for Treatment Providers with a dedicated Business Development Rep
  • In-house compliance department to help evaluate events
  • Highly trained Customer Service team ready to help
How accurate are test results?

The Soberlink Device contains a professional-grade fuel-cell sensor with a detection range of 0.000% – 0.400% BAC and accuracy level of +/- .005 BAC. The fuel cell that Soberlink uses is globally trusted and used for high-end workplace and law enforcement breath alcohol instruments. If you would like to learn more about the fuel-cell technology Soberlink uses, you can visit our fuel cell manufacturer’s website at dart-sensors.com

Has Soberlink been challenged in court?

Yes. Soberlink has successfully testified, defended, and validated the accuracy and reliability of the Device in court hearings.

Purchasing Information
How do I purchase Soberlink?

- Select your program and Plan
- Purchase your Device
- Sign the Monitoring Agreement sent to your email

What is the cost of the monthly monitoring?

View pricing for all of Soberlink’s various Family Law and Addiction Recovery programs here: https://www.soberlink.com/pricing

Who pays for Soberlink?

The Monitored Client (person using Soberlink) typically pays for Soberlink. However, anyone can pay for Soberlink and the paying party can be changed at any time.

Device Usage
How does fuel-cell technology work?

The electrochemical fuel-cell sensor generates an electronic response that is proportional to the Breath Alcohol Concentration in the provided breath sample. The fuel-cell sensor is specifically designed for detecting alcohol. It does not respond to acetone or other substances that can be found in human breath.

How do you know the right person is taking the test?

Soberlink’s system uses innovative Facial Recognition technology to verify the identity of the client during each breath test. Contacts can be enrolled to receive Alerts if the tester’s identity cannot be confirmed.

If I don’t have cellular coverage, will the Soberlink Cellular 2 Device work?

Queuing or storing is a feature that allows the Soberlink Cellular 2 Device to store and later upload tests if there is a lapse in connectivity. For example, if a test is sent from an area without sufficient cellular coverage, the test will be time-stamped and stored. Then, when cellular coverage is restored, the test will be automatically uploaded to the Soberlink Web Portal. Storing can be enabled and disabled as needed.

Can I use Soberlink internationally?

Yes. Both the Cellular 2 and Connect Devices can work internationally, so long as there is a Cellular or Wifi Connection.

Does the Soberlink Device have any temperature restrictions?

For the most accurate results, breath tests should be taken in temperatures between 32°F and 122°F. If the test is attempted outside of this temperature range, the Soberlink Cellular Device will not send the test result and will display a warning that the Device is too cold or hot.

Can artificial or compressed air be used to trick the Device?

Soberlink Devices are equipped with several proprietary technologies that are able to detect if a breath sample is consistent with the properties of human breath. If a breath sample is flagged as inconsistent with human breath, it will be reported to the specified Contacts.

How often do Soberlink Devices need to be calibrated?

To help ensure accuracy, Soberlink requires the device to be recalibrated before it reaches 1,500 tests. All Soberlink Devices have an internal test counter that will begin to send Alerts to clients as the Devices nears 1,500 tests. Soberlink provides a replacement device before you reach 1,500 tests to ensure continuous, precise monitoring with no downtime.

Does The Soberlink System allow for random testing?

No. Soberlink does not believe that random testing is the best way to use the system. Although random testing is the norm for urine testing, scheduled daily testing creates structure and accountability, while reducing testing anxiety. This can be especially important for people in early recovery.

What’s the best way to prevent a false positive?

Avoiding incidental exposure to alcohol is simple – don’t eat, drink, smoke, or interact with products that might contain ethanol 15-20 minutes prior to testing. This is the same protocol used in roadside sobriety testing. We also recommend rinsing out your mouth with water prior to testing. The Soberlink System is unique because it includes a Retest cycle. In the event of a positive test, the Monitored Client will be prompted to retest every 15 minutes until they are compliant. Incidental exposure to alcohol from things like mouthwash should dissipate within 15 minutes, and the retest should result in a compliant .00 BAC.

What are normal elimination rates for a person?

Studies show elimination rates can vary dramatically from person to person. Even the same person can have varying absorption rates from day to day. Dr. Alan Wayne Jones, a top forensic toxicologist and researcher, found people fall in one of the following groups:

Group Type
Expected Rate of Elimination (per hr.)
Slow elimination rate
.008 – .012
Moderate elimination rate
.012 – .015
Rapid elimination rate
.015 – .025
Ultra-Rapid elimination rate
.025 – .035
How does the testing schedule work?

A “Scheduled” test is accompanied by a variable Test Window. A Scheduled Test can be submitted anytime within the selected Test Window – starting 15 minutes before the test time and ending after the selected variable testing time. Test Windows can be customized for 1-hour, 2-hour, 3-hour, or 4-hour durations. For long-term use of the system, the suggested testing window is 2 hours. Once a Test Window is selected, it will apply to all scheduled tests for that particular Client. However, the Client can send a test at any time. If a test is submitted that was not scheduled through the web portal, it will be labeled as an “Unscheduled” test.

How do the Client text notifications work?

In order to receive the text reminders, the Client must respond as prompted to the initial opt-in text message. Based on each scheduled Test Window, automated text messages will be sent to the Client’s mobile phone, reminding them that a scheduled test is coming up. If the Client tests positive or does not submit a test within the Test Window, a separate feature called “Alerts” will notify previously specified Contacts with automated email and/or text message notifications.

What happens if a test result is positive?

In the event of a Non-Compliant test, the Soberlink Device will display a message for the Client to Retest in 15 minutes. If the Client is opted-in for text notifications, they will also receive a text on their mobile phone prompting them to retest. If additional Non-Compliant tests follow, the Client will continue the Retest cycle and be prompted via text message to retest up to 6 times or until a compliant test is submitted. Contacts can be set up to receive immediate email and/or text Alerts following positive or missed tests.

Is Soberlink covered by insurance?

Soberlink is not currently covered by major health insurance carriers, but the Soberlink System does qualify for Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA Reimbursement). Please check with your employer about your FSA program.

Addiction Recovery
What is the difference between using the Share Program and using a Certified Provider?

The Share Program can be used by clients looking for accountability and want to share results with their Recovery Circle. The Share Program does not give web portal access to the Recovery Circle, but they are setup to receive alerts and reports by email and/or text. Certified Providers have access to the Soberlink web portal, called Sober Sky, where they will have control of the clients’ testing schedule and who will be receiving results. Certified Providers are trained on the Soberlink System and are treatment professionals who generally provide other services for their clients including recovery coaching and other support services outside of monitoring the clients' Soberlink results.

What goes into being a Certified Provider?

Certified Providers are Addiction Treatment Professionals who are taught how to manage their own clients using the Sober Sky web portal. The Professional is trained on the system and best practices by a Business Development Representative. If you are a Treatment Professional and are interested in learning more about becoming a Soberlink Certified Provider, complete this form and a Soberlink representative will reach out to you.

Family Law
How will I know if a test has been submitted?

All involved parties will receive documentation of all testing activity, but the frequency and timeliness of the Report/Alert is dependent on the Plan that is chosen (i.e., Basic, Plus or Premium). Under Level 1, the Soberlink system will not track missed tests.

How do I decide on the way Contacts should receive the test results?

Choosing the best Plan depends on the communication level between each parent and how well they are willing to work together for the safety of the child(ren). For lower risk situations the Basic plan should work which will provide the results the next morning. For Moderate and High risk the Plus or Premium plan should be chosen which allows real time test results.

What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2?

The Level 1 – Parenting Time Only Program is for situations when testing is only required on days with parenting time. Because parenting time schedules are consistently changing, the schedule is managed by the two parties. The Level 1 Program is limited to 20 days of testing per month. Testing on more than 20 days may result in additional fees.

The Level 2—Daily Testing Program is for situations that require daily testing 7 days a week. Testing times are managed by the Soberlink System, which sends reminder text messages for scheduled tests and documents missed tests.

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What is the recommended testing schedule for Level 2?

Best practices suggest that the Monitored Client submit the first test of the day shortly after waking and the last test of the day prior to preparing to sleep. Soberlink recommends not allowing more than 10 hours between the evening test and the morning test. If more than 2 tests per day are scheduled Soberlink will schedule them evenly spaced throughout the day.

What are the additional fees associated with Level 1?

Level 1 Basic and Level 1 Plus are limited to 20 days of testing per month. There is a $15 fee for each additional testing day over the 20-day limit. There is no limit on the number of tests that can occur each day. Level 1 Premium includes unlimited testing days.

Workplace Compliance
Who uses Soberlink for workplace compliance?

Soberlink has been used in many workplace programs, but more commonly used for License Professionals in recovery. Soberlink works with most of the Physician Health Programs in the U.S. as well as major Airlines. Soberlink is commonly used as a more convenient and comprehensive testing method compared to random urine screens.

How do I learn more Soberlink’s Workplace Compliance programs?

Learn more about Soberlink’s Workplace Compliance programs or email support@soberlink.com for more information.

When will I receive my first invoice?

Soberlink generates invoices on the first business day of each month, covering the total number of days the device was activated in the previous month.

I cancelled service last month, but I got a new invoice this month.

Soberlink generates invoices on the first business day of each month, covering the total number of days the device was activated in the previous month. Refer to the “Billing Period” on your invoice to confirm it is for last month and is not for this current month.

I’m in a Level 1 program.  Why is my bill higher this month than last month?

In the Level 1 program, you can test on up to 20 days per calendar month. If you test on more than 20 days, you will be charged $15 for each additional testing day in that month.

How do I change the Payer on my account?

Please email support@soberlink.com to request a payer change.  Please provide information for the current and new payer in your request. Both parties are required to acknowledge the change before it takes place.

If I cancel in the middle of the month, will I get a prorated invoice?

Yes.  Your final invoice will be prorated to account for the number of days the device was active.

How much is the termination fee if I cancel my Minimum Term Contract early?

The Early Termination fee for a 120-day MTC is a $200 one-time fee which will be added to your final invoice
The Early Termination fee for a 365-day MTC is a $300 one-time fee which will be added to your final invoice

How do I update my auto pay method or billing address?

Making updates to your billing account is easy.  You may log in to your billing account and make changes there.

Can I turn off auto pay?

All Soberlink accounts require an auto pay method on file.

Where's the search box on the site?

Visit the search engine page to search Soberlink.com.