Hard Work Pays Off

Hard Work Pays Off
August 14, 2023
|  Last updated:

I have struggled with alcoholism since I was 21. I have been to rehab twice, once in 2018 and once at the end of 2020. Soberlink was recommended to me by another client at my rehab in 2020. It helped me stay accountable. I had relapsed a few times, but when I finally knew I couldn’t drink anymore, I went to AA and asked my parents to get the Soberlink Device for me. With the device, I knew I had to test 3 times a day and that my parents would get the results. It helped rebuild trust with my parents as well. On days when I thought I could ‘have just one’ - knowing I had to test in an hour or two prevented me from drinking. I celebrated one year sober on May 31, 2023.

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