Soberlink to Attend and Support at Unite to Face Addiction

September 29, 2015
|   updated:
January 18, 2024

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF. – Soberlink, the leader in mobile-breath sobriety technology, today announced that it is supporting the recovery community by attending and participating in the Unite to Face Addiction Rally on Oct. 4, 2015 in Washington D.C. The rally, which expects 100,000 attendees, is the first of its kind and aims to spark nationwide conversations about the stigma associated with addiction and recovery.

“Addiction truly affects every one of us. Our commitment to a connected recovery community is what drives us to develop cloud-based technology,” says Soberlink CEO Brad Keays, “and participating in powerful events like Unite to Face Addiction gives us the opportunity to honor that commitment.”

Unite to Face Addiction is part of a growing national discussion about the national effects of the current addiction crisis. Addiction is classified as a chronic disease but it isn’t treated as one. The potential in the healthcare market for recovery services is staggering. Secretary of State and Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton recently proposed an in-depth initiative as part of the same growing national discussion.

Soberlink innovates and develops technology designed for addiction and recovery management. The Soberlink System promotes accountability and connectivity through real-time mobile testing and alerts. In just a few short years, the system has proved to be an integral part of recovery for people struggling with alcohol dependency. Soberlink has been at the forefront of innovation in the “Mobile Breath” category since 2010 with the launch of SL1, the world’s first smartphone Breathalyzer. In 2012, the patented Soberlink Cellular became the first handheld, cellular Breathalyzer and the most popular electronic monitoring device on the market. Soberlink Bluetooth, launched in 2014, is enabled for wireless alcohol testing using an iPhone or iPad’s existing Wi-Fi or data plan. Soberlink monitoring aims to help people recover from alcoholism with modern technology.

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