Recovery is ongoing; it isn’t achieved in a short, 30-day period. Addiction is classified as a chronic illness, and relapse is an unfortunate reality that the recovery community actively works to prevent through various methods.
A Way to Deter Alcohol Relapse
One such method of fending off relapse is monitoring programs. Monitoring typically consists of some form of testing (random or scheduled) and consistent communication with a clinician or case manager. Monitoring allows patients and clinicians to be aware of recovery progress and intervene if necessary to intervene to reduce and hopefully eliminate relapse episodes.
Monitoring alone is a safety net and can even work as a mental deterrent to drinking for some patients. New monitoring technology makes it easier than ever for patients to take an active role in recovery. And just like with anything else, active involvement is the surest way to succeed.
Advancements in technology have taken monitoring from urine testing, to blood testing, to transdermal testing and back around again. But the most recent advancements in breathalyzer technology have made monitoring mobile and immediate.
Modern Mobile Alcohol Monitoring
Soberlink is a truly modern option for patients in recovery. It’s the only monitoring system of its kind, and has achieved high acclaim from addiction experts. The Soberlink system is completely mobile, and comprised of a high-tech remote breathalyzer unit and a web portal. Patients and clinicians set up a testing schedule to establish a routine and an accountability structure. After that, it’s up to the patient to submit breath tests at scheduled or unscheduled times. If the patient submits a positive test, is late to submit a test, or fails to submit a test, the clinician can intervene or act accordingly.
This type of monitoring allows patients more autonomy in recovery, but with a safety net in place to keep relapse at bay. Recovering patients can work to increase their self-efficacy, reestablish trust, and lead active recovery with technology like Soberlink.
Successful Recovery Post Treatment
Addiction experts agree that BAC monitoring for at least 12 months after treatment is a clinically viable deterrent to relapse. The consensus on monitoring is unanimous: it’s an invaluable tool in decreasing or preventing relapse, and keeping recovery on track.
About the Author
Soberlink supports accountability for sobriety through a comprehensive alcohol monitoring system. Combining a breathalyzer with wireless connectivity, the portable design and technology includes facial recognition, tamper detection and real-time reporting. Soberlink proves sobriety with reliability to foster trust and peace of mind.