Maintaining sobriety at a residential treatment facility is vastly different than staying sober at home. At treatment, there is no access to addictive substances, the patient receives regular counseling, and the stresses and triggers of family and work are removed. This allows the person struggling with alcoholism time to focus on physical and mental health issues and to prepare to return back home to a new normal of sober living.
But the transition from inpatient to outpatient treatment can be tricky, and the real work toward maintaining sobriety begins in developing an aftercare program. Alcoholism – or alcohol use disorder – is classified as a chronic disease, meaning there is no cure, and it requires ongoing care. What that ongoing care looks like will be different for every person, but there is one foundational element that best supports relapse prevention: rebuilding trust. And this is where Soberlink can help.
Remote Alcohol Monitoring After Treatment
Soberlink’s personalized continued care provides clinical monitoring after a patient leaves treatment. It is an FDA 510(k) cleared device that combines a professional-grade breathalyzer with a cloud-based web portal via a wireless connection. Facial recognition technology confirms the identity of the tester, while tamper resistant sensors ensure the integrity of tests. Automation creates a seamless remote monitoring solution for treatment providers and family. Because of this real-time technology, Soberlink can be part of an aftercare routine providing both peace of mind and an opportunity to intervene, if necessary. It builds accountability and structure, similar to the guidance a patient receives while in treatment, while still allowing him to go about his daily activities independently. In other words, it gives someone struggling with alcoholism the freedom to succeed.
Benefits of Remote Alcohol Monitoring
Equally important, Soberlink enhances a patient’s support system by taking the family out of the police role. Clients are able to test anywhere, anytime, using a predetermined schedule. As a mental deterrent, Soberlink gives the brain time to weigh the consequences of taking a drink. This valuable moment helps a patient to recognize the craving, act in the best interest of their health and recovery, and make wise decisions. No longer does a parent, spouse, or child need to closely monitor whether a newly sober loved one is consuming alcohol. Instead, by promoting personal accountability, someone in recovery can show they are making real, positive changes through actions, not just words.
Key Takeaways for Continued Care
Real time alerts. Real time results. Real time sobriety. Soberlink keeps a client connected with their treatment provider by providing access to daily progress. Along with counseling and support, it is an important tool to support relapse prevention, especially during a patient’s first year of recovery. Technology is enabling powerful outcomes, solving real problems, and helping real people. Remote alcohol monitoring is the way of the future, and the future is here today.
About the Author
Kristina Kiik practices corporate law and counsels small business owners in Texas. She may be reached at kristina@kiik-law.com.