Remote Alcohol Monitoring
Even though alcohol use disorders (AUDs) account for nearly $120 billion per year in medical costs, there is little involvement from healthcare providers after the initial treatment stage. However, research and evidence are showing that alcohol and other substance disorders are chronic illnesses, hence requiring treatment approaches that are similar to the treatment of other chronic illnesses such as asthma, hypertension, or diabetes.
With new evidence showing the importance of continuous care and treatment approaches, remote alcohol monitoring is becoming a popular method of long-term care. Remote monitoring allows for various members of the healthcare team to monitor test results; in fact, research has shown that sharing both positive and negative test results can help clients in reinforcing their abstinence to alcohol use. This personalized form of care can raise client engagement rates and ultimately improve health outcomes in the long-term. Remote alcohol monitoring uses electronic devices to record real-time measurements (similar to other devices like blood pressure and glucose monitors).
Benefits of Remote Alcohol Monitoring
There are several benefits associated with using remote alcohol monitoring, including:a
- Daily accountability with discreet scheduled testing
- Results which can be delivered in real-time to the client’s healthcare team
- Convenient testing
- Reliable results
Soberlink is a trusted provider of remote alcohol monitoring being used in treatment for over seven years. Its robust system is a trusted tool that is used nationwide for continuous care of alcohol use disorder. The affordable, real-time, remote monitoring approach has shown vast improvements and effectiveness in managing chronic diseases including alcohol use disorder.
Who Can It Help?
- Those in Recovery: Remote alcohol monitoring can help those in recovery stay on track by providing accountability and structure through connectivity to treatment providers and even support networks like friends, family, sponsors and therapists.
- Treatment providers: Treatment providers can monitor and ensure their clients are staying on track with real-time treatment plans and progress assessments, intervening promptly when necessary.
- Companies: Remote monitoring can also be used by companies to test licensed professionals who are required to be monitored, which would eliminate the need for lab-sensitive urine testing procedures.
The advancement in technology has provided an easy, reliable and affordable method to monitor alcohol use. Furthermore, Soberlink has set a new standard by offering a secure and accurate instrument for remote alcohol monitoring. Remote alcohol monitoring can be used in a constructive manner not only in healthcare settings but also in family law, the work place, and within one’s recovery circle. There are several benefits as listed above and can ultimately help lead to an improvement in health outcomes and a healthy lifestyle.
About the Author
Uma Ayer has worked as a web content specialist/contributor for clients in the drug addiction treatment field, enhancing healthcare outcomes and driving brand awareness to optimize content and syntax by performing research and providing relevant, authentic and critically appraised content on substance abuse, addiction, and treatment-related issues, such as substance abuse effects, rehabilitation, and recovery. She was recently inducted into the International Association of Professional Writers & Editors. Uma holds a B.A. in Psychology and M.S. in Drug Addiction Science/Pharmacology.