Doing it All Sober

Doing it All Sober
September 11, 2023
|  Last updated:

When my husband divorced me and took custody of our children due to my drinking, I felt lower than I ever had. I was required to begin using Soberlink in order to furnish proof of sobriety so that I could show up for my kids as a happy, healthy mom and give all the members of my family peace of mind. While I initially resented the concept, I grew to really appreciate the hard evidence of my recovery. Finally, I had factual proof that no one could dispute, and nothing or no one could keep me from my children. Now, after three years of diligence and compliance, I have earned back enough trust to be able to have my children unsupervised, and will be stepping down to submitting tests during parenting time only. I know that one day, if I continue doing the next right thing, I won't need to submit Soberlink tests at all, but for this season of life, Soberlink has been instrumental in keeping me accountable, granting me access to my children, and providing my loved ones with much-needed peace-of-mind. Today, I show up for my life, and I do it all sober. Soberlink gave me the exact level of accountability I needed to get things back on track!

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