Soberlink and Aware Recovery Care: Recovery at Home
Mobile alcohol monitoring and innovative recovery programs are changing the landscape of traditional recovery.
Sobriety Monitoring in Addiction Treatment
The treatment industry and its methods have remained largely unchanged for nearly 50 years. While sobriety monitoring isn’t a new concept, truly modern options can be hard to come by. Monitoring is used in industries including high-risk professional fields, addiction treatment, and criminal justice.
The use of clinical alcohol monitoring for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) cases can significantly improve outcomes. Studies even show that patients who participate in monitoring programs after treatment are less likely to relapse¹. Monitoring programs provide an essential safety net for at least the first year of recovery.
Monitoring methods typically come in the form of outdated and unreliable, periodic testing that provide no real structure or benefit to people in recovery. Aware Recovery Care (ARC) remains at the forefront of the recovery industry by incorporating the most innovative and effective technology to support and treat those in recovery. Since implementing Soberlink, ARC care teams have reported nothing but positive reviews for the technology’s ease of use and modern benefits.
Fighting Relapse from Home
Relapse rates following AUD treatment remain at alarmingly high rates nationwide. The current treatment model for AUDs typically includes an intensive period of treatment with little to no follow up once discharged. AUDs are classified as chronic illnesses, but instead of applying a chronic illness management approach, treatment is largely episodic and a direct contributor to the high relapse rate.
Companies like ARC and Soberlink are actively working to help curb that high percentage by changing the perception of and treatment model for alcohol use disorders. ARC offers a one-of-a-kind approach to recovery away from the treatment center. The company delivers a full year of treatment services to client’s homes. ARC provides in home recovery support by creating a recovery friendly environment in the real world while encouraging accountability and autonomy.
Soberlink Solutions at ARC
A responsible and sustainable clinical alcohol-monitoring program will include structure, accountability, and open communication with treatment professionals and trusted members of a recovery circle.
ARC uses a system of two scheduled Soberlink tests per day but encourages clients to use their Soberlink Device whenever they feel the need. Previously ARC used individual bluetooth breathalyzers that would require care teams to travel to the client and carry out on-demand tests. Soberlink offers ARC unprecedented convenience in remote testing, real-time BAC results, and electronic test data storage. The automation offered by the Soberlink System aims to help patients take control of their recovery by establishing an accountability structure. Communication between clients and their recovery circle is constant and transparent with Soberlink.
ARC not only uses Soberlink to verify abstinence, but also for clients who are engaged in harm reduction protocols. Soberlink helps identify the warning signs of a relapse and problematic drinking. It further gives ARC the opportunity to intervene in a timely manner if necessary.
Soberlink’s real-time test results allow clinicians, counselors, monitors, and loved ones the opportunity to review BAC levels, assess situations, and quickly make clinical decisions in the best interest of the client. A timely intervention, in cases of alcohol dependency, can prove to be a critical phase in the recovery process.
ARC Client Spotlight
A recovery client with a 12-year history of poly substance abuse went in and out of 15 different treatment centers before finally coming to Aware Recovery Care.
The client was able to maintain 100% abstinence for the full year, as verified by the Soberlink System and urine toxicology screenings.
The client is now 19 months into a healthy and successful recovery, free of any substance abuse.
Improving Outcomes and Results
Aware Recovery Care prides itself on innovating recovery and using the most effective technology available to treat both alcohol and substance use disorders. In home care combined with truly mobile solutions is modernizing the recovery landscape.
ARC has been operating for 5 years and has successfully managed 145 clients. Of ARC’s first 5 clients, 4 were able to maintain complete abstinence for the full 52-week program. Five years later, all 5 of those first clients are still in a healthy recovery. ARC reports impressive success rates, proving that modern approaches to recovery can be just as successful as the traditional model.
Accountability, consistent structure, and trust are often absent from the lives of those in recovery, but modern technology provides a means to reestablish these missing components. Soberlink, when coupled with a supportive continuum of care such as that found at ARC, has proven to be a formidable opponent to active addiction.
About Aware Recovery Care
Aware Recovery Care (ARC) operates out of Connecticut to provide in-home care for clients recovering from addiction from one full year after initial treatment. Aware transforms the client’s home into a healthy space for recovery and monitors clients as they go about their day.
¹ James R. McKay, PH.D., and Susanne Hiller-Sturmhöfel, PH.D., “Treating Alcoholism As a Chronic Disease,” Alcohol Research & Health
About the Author
Soberlink supports accountability for sobriety through a comprehensive alcohol monitoring system. Combining a breathalyzer with wireless connectivity, the portable design and technology includes facial recognition, tamper detection and real-time reporting. Soberlink proves sobriety with reliability to foster trust and peace of mind.